Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse;
The stockings were hung by the chimney with care,
In hopes that St. Nicholas soon would be there.
The children were nestled all snug in their beds,
While visions of sugar-plums danced in their heads;
And mamma in her ‘kerchief, and I in my cap,
Had just settled down for a long winter’s nap,
When all of a sudden there arose such a snore,
It was a noise that shook me to the core.
I glanced ‘cross my bed to see Ma pause her breathing.
I panicked to know she should be restfully sleeping.
The look on her face as she gasped for more air
Told me that Ma’s sleep had hit a big snare.
When, what to my Googling eyes should appear,
But a blog ’bout how apnea was the problem here.
With a bit more digging, I found a’bout how
Ma needs a sleep study; and she needs it right now.
More rapid than normal her breathing it came,
And I shook Ma to wake her so her air I could tame.
Ma’s snoring and snorting, her gasping and pauses,
Won’t have to cause any more nights of sleep losses.
To Alaska Sleep Clinic we will fly in a dash,
To get Ma’s sleep apnea diagnosed in a flash.
Off to the sleep clinic in Anchorage we flew,
With the car full of blankets, pillows and of course Mamma too.
Before we all knew it, the study was done.
And the doctor gave the house a ring saying the results were all in.
That apnea did cause dear Ma sleepless nights.
But now there’s a plan to set Ma’s sleep up just right.
Back to our home happily did Ma bound,
With a new CPAP machine wrapped-up in her hand.
A bag of masks and hoses Ma flung on her back,
And she looked like a peddler just opening her pack.
Her eyes — how they twinkled! her dimples how merry!
Her cheeks were like roses, her nose like a cherry!
Her small little mouth was drawn up like a bow,
As she heard the air from the CPAP start to flow;
Ma put on the mask as the CPAP did work,
And drifted quietly to sleep without even a jerk.
The CPAP was working as we all fell to sleep;
The house was all quiet, not even one peep.
I sighed with relief to see Ma get some rest,
This night before Christmas would be one of the best.
I left Alaska Sleep Cinic’s card by the cookies , right in Santa’s line of sight
and thought to myself:
Alaska Sleep Clinic is ready to help you improve your sleep and your life. Call us this week to speak with one of our board-certified sleep specialists.