There are many factors that can inhibit your attempt at getting 8 hours of sleep per night. Your location, for example, may have something to do with it. For example, if you reside in a large municipality with a hefty population, you may be awoken every evening by the sound of police sirens or the constant beep of a taxi cab’s horn. If you have underlying medical conditions that prevent you from staying asleep, it may seem impossible to doze off and get geared up for the next day.
Instead of wasting time and energy worrying about conditions you have no power over, try taking a look at the things you can effectively change in order to get a better night’s sleep. One impactful factor that you may never have considered up to this point is your surrounding environment. Believe it or not, by altering your home decor you could have a better possibility of sleeping longer and more soundly.
While this style may require some investment on your part to accomplish, you can’t put a price tag on peace of mind. Luckily, the money you put into your home by making some minor renovations will come back to you when it comes time to sell by boosting your home’s value to utilize down the road.
It’s doubtful you’re content with tossing and turning all night. Even though this may be a bit of pseudoscience, taking a proactive approach to organizing your bedroom and redecorating the space to your liking is one way you can achieve better beauty sleep. With all the options out there, it can be difficult to decide which route to take. Rather than waste too much time, look at these decor trends that can help you get a better night’s sleep:
In need of a cozy pick me up? Lagom may be your best option. This decor trend hails from Sweden and puts particular importance on living a happier, balanced and more sustainable lifestyle. Some key elements include more informed purchases that promote your personal joy.
Perhaps you put emphasis on buying local and supporting stores within your community rather than shopping from big-box companies. This is the perfect time to fill your home with your favorite things. Cozy essentials, like blankets or candles, are amazing additions to your space. Keep things simple with muted colors that foster a tranquil setting, such as pastels, grays or whites.
Additionally, comfort should take priority over all else. If you notice you’ve been tossing and turning night after night, use this opportunity to update your sleeping arrangements. Look into a new mattress that will help you catch some more restful zzz’s based on your specific sleep style. By staying comfy and cozy all year long, better sleep is just a few steps away!
Feng Shui
Feng shui is an ancient Chinese art of energy flow and furniture placement. According to its principles, the bed is the most important piece of furniture in your home since it represents a part of you. With all the hours you spend asleep, it’s no wonder that you place special emphasis on this area of your home.
When considering your bed placement to promote better sleep and energy flow, there are several key factors to take into account. Start by placing it in a commanding position. This means that your bed should face the entrance to your bedroom, but should also not be directly across from it. The best way to approach this is by placing the bed diagonally to your bedroom door.
Next, try placing your headboard against a solid wall without having anything behind you such as windows. This will provide security and stability in your most vulnerable state of being. Finally, make sure there is space on either side of the bed. Having enough space will balance your yin and yang, the two interconnected life forces that guide your way. By utilizing these helpful tips, you should be able to sleep more soundly and put any stress-inducing thoughts to bed for good.
If you’re a typical vagabond looking to get swept away by wanderlust, then this home decor style is perfect for you! While you may not be able to hop on a plane to satisfy your need for adventure, luckily you can escape during your dreams as you get a good night’s sleep.
For a bohemian bedroom, be sure to focus on texture. Mix and match your favorite textiles to foster a worldly look and feel. From macrame to velvet to lace, there’s plenty of styles to choose from. Put extra importance on welcoming staple pieces like throw pillows and poufs. The more comfort you include, the better!
Essential oils or reed diffusers can also help you get a better night’s sleep. You can choose scents that come from a specific region you enjoy, like a lavender field or even a sugar cane field. They can help you drift away in relaxing slumber with their healing properties– just make sure you are monitoring if and how they aid your sleep so you can continue that same sleep regime each and every night. By being inspired by your favorite places, drifting away to sleep will be more capable than ever before.
The Bottom Line
Getting a good night’s sleep is difficult on its own. But, when you add in clutter and overall unhappiness to your bedrooms look and feel, it can almost seem completely out of the question. In lieu of staying up hours on end in ravaging discomfort, reassess your surroundings so you can revel in the benefits of a practical abode.
By choosing a home decor style that is preferential to you, you can better relax at night and recharge for the next day with a full night’s sleep. Some trends that often aid in tranquility include lagom, feng shui and bohemianism. If you’re looking for a lifestyle change, lagom or feng shui may be right for you. Alternatively, if you’re looking for something to balance your desire for exploration, a bohemian feel would be right up your alley.
No matter what style you choose, make sure your surroundings speak to you. Do you feel less stressed at night before you go to bed? Is your space free of distractions that prevent you from sleeping? Are you happy with how your room looks? These are all important questions to ask yourself in order to determine if you need a change. For more helpful tips on how to get a better night’s sleep and address your sleep troubles, visit our blog and subscribe to our newsletter to view our latest posts.
How to tell if you have a sleep disorder
Some common questions that your doctor might ask are:
Do you snore?
Have you ever been told you stop breathing or gasp in your sleep?
Do you feel sleepy during the daytime?
Do you have difficulty staying awake when sitting still, watching TV, or reading?
Do you fall asleep or feel tired while driving?
Have difficulty concentrating or focusing during the day?
Do you require caffeine to stay awake during the day?
Does leg restlessness keep you awake?
Do you feel like your sleep is restful such that you feel restored in the morning?
Do you have asthma, emphysema, or other breathing problems?
Do you have high blood pressure or take medicine for that problem?
Have you ever had heart problems or heart disease?
Have you had congestive heart failure?
Have you had a stroke?
What is your height, weight, neck circumference?
Do you have insomnia?
Answering yes to some of these questions can be a strong indicator of a sleep disorder. However, for sleep disorders to be properly evaluated, a sleep study is required to not only diagnose sleep disorders, but also rule out other potential causes of sleep problems.
If you’re ready to finally get to the bottom of your sleep troubles, contact your primary care physician and discuss with them your symptoms and concerns. If you live in Alaska and want to have a sleep study performed, contact The Alaska Sleep Clinic by clicking the link below to receive a free 10-minute phone consultation with one of our sleep educators.