Creating a stress-free bedtime for children who deal with ADHD is critical for their overall well-being and health. But it can be challenging for parents to find a routine that works. ADHD, or Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, presents challenges and can be difficult for kids to wind down. Feeling relaxed may be one of the bigger struggles.
Structure, enjoyable activities, and thoughtful conversation can make a world of difference. Let’s think peacefully and enjoy ourselves.
Understanding ADHD and Sleep
Being able to create a strategy for your child’s routine requires some knowledge of how ADHD affects sleep. ADHD can cause a child to feel like it’s difficult to regulate their emotions and retain focus. At night this can feel exasperating as stimulus is meant to be limited.
This is why ADHD is often linked with sleep disorders such as restless leg syndrome, insomnia, sleep apnea, and more. ADHD can further disrupt sleep patterns which is why a routine is important.
Tips for a Stress-Free Bedtime Routine
Here are some strategies and tips for conquering a routine that suits your child and helps with ADHD symptom management.
Consistent Bedtime
Routine and consistency with the time the child goes to sleep is important in many ways. Waking up and going to sleep simultaneously creates autonomy in the body to regulate when they get sleepy. When their internal clock is regulated, their body will get better quality sleep.
Wind Down Time
The time before sleeping is some of the most crucial. It’s meant to be intentional so that there’s nothing triggering right before bed. Warm baths, reading books, or story time, as well as calming music, can be a great option. This provides a sense of serenity.
This window time should also have a focus that limits stimulants. Sugary snacks or caffeine that can cause a spike in energy will disrupt their ability to find calmness.
A Sleep-Positive Environment
What are the best things for Sleep? A dark room is typically good, but some children may be scared of the dark. Providing nightlights, specifically stars on the ceiling, can be soothing. The room should also be quiet, but some white noise or sleep stories are never a bad idea.
Temperature is also a factor that is often overlooked. A room that is too hot can continually wake a child up. Room textures should run on the colder side. Too cold, however, can leave them waking up and shivering.
Getting on the Same Page
Having the right conversation is important so that expectations are laid out on the table. One conversation may not be enough to do it. Here are strategies for making those conversations meaningful and impactful.
- Visual schedules are awesome for children because they can clearly see what their bedtime and window time should look like. A schedule and visually blocked-out time can register better with just words.
- Giving options can make the child feel like they are a part of the conversation. Which book they want to read or what kinds of sleep noises they like can help put them at ease. Anxiety can stem from a lack of control. This helps with that.
- Positive reinforcement and talking positively to your child help ease anxiety. It may take a lot of trial and error to find what works for your child. This requires patience on both ends. It also allows a parent to address any anxiety.
In some situations, professional help may be a good option. These situations can be challenging and vary from child to child. Getting extra assistance can be incredibly beneficial to some parents.
The Right Routine
Finding the right bedtime routine for any child can present difficult difficulties. When a child also has to manage ADHD, they can present a new set of challenges for both the child and the parent. It takes a lot of trial and error to find what parts of the routine a child needs to get used to and what parts they like.
Ultimately many children find a combination of different soothing techniques to be the best way to reduce their anxiety and energy. Limiting stimulants is one of the biggest hurdles, such as TV suites or even exercise at times can create energy spurts.
If nothing seems to work after some time and listing, a professional is never a bad idea.