How Sleep Cycles Make Better Students
t’s a proven fact… sleep makes you a better student with a stronger brain.
Mind After Midnight
A few areas of focus can help increase your chances of a full sleep cycle if avoided prior to bedtime.
How Much Sleep Do Students Need to Be Successful in College
Youth is that time when you can walk all night long, and in the morning without a shadow of fatigue to show up for classes, and sit through the entire shift, successfully answering seminars and even passing exams. But here the main thing is to observe the golden mean. After all, if you overdo it […]
Sleep Cycles
There are several cycles that have to do with sleep. The most easily recognizable one is our overall pattern of sleep and wakefulness. When we wake in the morning, we begin to build sleep ‘debt’. This accumulates during the day, making us tired and wanting to go to bed at night. During the night’s sleep, […]