Sleep Apnea and Glaucoma Risk
January is Glaucoma Awareness Month. Did you know that sleep does affect your eye health?
Sleeping Better Despite the Noisy City
Bed Time Eye Care Tips for Contact Lens Users
There are many things that you should do in taking care of your contact lenses. You need to remember the specific handling procedures that you need to do with them, especially at night. Also, keep in mind that there are specifications for its storage. To refresh your memory, let me share with you some tips […]
Discover 5 Well-kept Sleep Routine Secrets
How Lack of Enough Sleep Affects Your Eyes
Many research articles have investigated the importance of sleep to your health. Some have discussed how lack of sleep affects productivity in the workplace. Others have linked insomnia to diabetes, obesity, and heart disease. Those are some of the commonly discussed effects. But do you know that lack of enough sleep is a threat to […]