6 Common Questions about CPAP Therapy
Sleeping with A CPAP Mask: Problems, Concerns, and Solutions.
Don’t Let CPAP Ruin Your Travel Plans
Is Your CPAP Machine Working?
Continuous Positive Airways Pressure, or CPAP, is widely regarded as the best treatment available for obstructive sleep apnea. When properly set and consistently used, it is highly effective, though early on tolerance and compliance can be an issue. It may be easy to tell when a CPAP machine is working, but what are signs that it is […]
Factors Affecting Your CPAP Compliance: It Matters!
Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) describes a situation when there are frequent pauses in breathing during sleep due to an obstructed airway. Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) is a preferred and effective treatment which is considered to be the gold standard of OSA therapy1.2 . At least 4 hours usage of CPAP is suggested to maintain an […]