National Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month
Fatigue is a long-term problem after a cancer diagnosis.
Cervical Cancer Survivors Suffer from Fatigue, Insomnia
Healthy sleep habits can reduce cancer risks and support recovery.
Breat Cancer Awareness Month
Here’s how sleep can help prevent breast cancer and aid in the recovery process.
Sleep and Cancer: How Patients Can Cope With Insomnia
What is insomnia, and how can cancer patients manage this sleep condition during or after cancer treatment?
Sleep: Why it’s Extra Important if You Have Cancer
For people living with cancer, sleep doesn’t always come easy. There are a number of reasons why. Steroids and other medications taken during treatment can cause insomnia. Side effects like nausea, pain, hot flashes and frequent trips to the bathroom can disrupt a good night’s sleep, too. Sometimes the emotional effects of cancer – like worry, […]
Managing Insomnia During Cancer Treatment
Insomnia often begins as soon as a cancer diagnosis is received. The stress associated with the diagnosis, along with questions about the future, can lead to long, sleepless nights. Even when treatment is in progress – whether headway is being made or if it seems like there is little hope for a cure – insomnia […]