Are you looking for effective ways to combat insomnia? Have you tried diverse medications but yet to overcome sleep disorder? Worry less, this article highlights how regular yoga and meditation can treat your insomnia. Insomnia simply refers to a sleep disorder, it is a situation whereby an individual experiences difficulty in either falling asleep or staying asleep for the required time. Insomnia has diverse symptoms and this ranges from person to person.
Sleep disorder is a great nightmare and you should avoid or treat it at all costs. You can consider yourself as suffering from sleeping disorder when:
- You find it difficult to fall asleep.
- You wake up frequently during the night.
- You feel tired anytime you get up from sleep.
- You wake up too early.
According to experts, there are quite a number of measures that can treat your insomnia. Regular yoga and meditation have proven to be effective means of treating insomnia.
Meditation is a process of focusing and redirect your thoughts on a particular thing. This is to say that you can choose to mediate on any subject that is of significance to you.
Yoga on the other hand is a combination of physical exercises, mental meditation, and breathing techniques. Yoga is not just an exercise, it has a level of spirituality and this can help in the effective treatment of insomnia.
Regular yoga helps to strengthen the muscles and relieve stress and increase general body health. Yoga is also a form of physical therapy and rehabilitation from injuries. This is why physiotherapists recommend yoga as an effective remedy for chronic pain. Sleep deprivation is endemic and it should be treated once noticed. The following is a highlight of reasons why regular yoga and meditation can treat your insomnia.
Regular Yoga and meditation help to reduce stress
One of the strong reasons why regular yoga and meditation can treat insomnia is due to their ability to relieve stress. Stress is a major cause of insomnia, when you subject yourself to too much stress, you might find it difficult to sleep well. Insomnia causes sluggishness and tiredness. To treat insomnia, reduce stress. EduBirdie Review also recommends that students get enough sleep so as to have outstanding academic performance.
Yoga and meditation aid mental and physical well-being
Your psychological well-being is an important factor that aids adequate sleep. posits that an individual who is not in a correct frame of mind cannot have a great career. Yoga and meditation contribute greatly to mental wellness which in turn helps you treat insomnia.
Meditation controls Anxiety
Anxiety is a major cause of sleep disorder, less stress aids better sleep. Meditation is an effective practice that helps to reduce anxiety. When you meditate constantly, you enjoy a relaxed state of mind and this helps you have a better sleep.
Yoga and meditation help you stay calm
Being calm plays a major role in treating sleep disorder. Regular yoga and meditation will help you stay calm, which is an effective way to treat insomnia. Meditation aids better thinking and enhances sound sleep. When you get enough sleep, you have an increased tendency of being productive at work. For instance, as a writer, blogger, marketer, accountant, you cannot work effectively if you are suffering from sleep deprivation. Little wonder often stress the role of adequate sleep in personal productivity.
Yoga and meditation improve the nervous system
A good nervous system plays an important role in mental and physical wellness. The nervous system also controls the activities that goes on in the body system, including sleep. Yoga and meditation are good for the nervous system and this help to combat sleep disorders.
Meditation reduces pressure
Pressure can impact sleep negatively. Meditation helps you relieve pressure that comes as a result of lack of sleep and disrupted sleep.
Meditation prepares your body for rest
Meditation is the most beneficial thing to do before going to bed. It prepares you for sleep and helps you activate rest mode. In addition to the benefits of regular yoga and meditation, creating a perfect sleep environment is another vital thing that you must consider if you want to effectively treat insomnia
10 tips to make a perfect sleep environment
Your sleep environment goes a long way in determining how well you will sleep. Below are 10 useful tips that can help you make a perfect sleep environment:
Keep your bed tidy and attractive to sleep on
According to Resumes Planet, a tidy environment aids sound sleep. Keeping your sleeping environment tidy is an effective way to combat insomnia.
Keep your bedroom cool
Temperature is another factor that affects your sleep. Keep your bedroom cool enough. However, despite the fact that a cool bedroom aids sound sleep, you should choose a temperature level you are most comfortable with.
Dress appropriately
Do not go to bed with a heavy clothing, be as free as possible when you want to sleep. This is a good way to treat insomnia. Also, stay warm during winter.
Install a temperature regulating device in your bedroom
Due to changes in weather and climate conditions, you might need to adjust to a certain temperature at a particular time. To create a perfect sleep environment, install a device that helps you regulate the temperature in your room.
Get your bedroom to be suitable dark
Sleeping without lights on also helps you have a sound and comfortable sleep. Put off the lights in your bedroom before you go to bed.
Remove unnecessary alarms
To create a perfect sleep environment, remove all unnecessary alarms that can wake you from sleep.
Remove all distractions and unfinished tasks
Switch off all electronics
Avoid noise
Listen to cool music before bedtime
Yoga and meditation are beneficial to both metal and physical health. Regular yoga and meditation are effective ways to treat insomnia. They help reduce body stress, anxiety, and boosts the nervous system which are all important for better sleep. When relaxation techniques don’t cure your sleep issues, you need to call Alaska Sleep Clinic and speak with one of our board-certified sleep specialists. Improve your sleep AND your life!
Author Bio:
Scott Matthews is an avid writer at essay writing company and a technical writer at Paper Writing Pro. He is an advocate for mental and physical wellness and writes helpful articles in this niche which has greatly impacted many readers. As a major contributor at, he has won some awards. During his free time, he writes poem and plays basketball.