Alaska Sleep Education Center

Bringing Back Bedtime as a Couple

It is a common occurrence between couples living together for some time and even married for some years. It is a lack of romance and the loss of communication that happens to so many. The first few months after you are married and living together, you talk openly about your day and thoughts. Communication is a great tool. Fast forward a few years, and things start changing. Through this article, you will discover what can be done to prevent this and make your personal life successful.
What Changes?
Several things happen that cause such a change in the relationship. The first is that you take each other for granted. It is an easy step to make, and so many couples have gone through this. Rather than talking about each other’s feelings for one another, the topic never comes up. The only communication is now about what is for dinner, what day do we need to pay rent. Communication is a vital part of any relationship and should never be looked over. 
Another part of relationships that often change is the time that you both share in bed. When you are first married, you are both romantic and head to bed at the same time to spend as much time as possible with each other. A few years later and you are like two boats that pass each other at night. One heads to bed at 10 pm the other waits up until midnight. It becomes a problem with less time you spend together and the fact that your sex life suffers. 
What Can Be Done To Change This?
There are various ways married couples can keep their love and romance alive. One of the most popular ways is to make sure that you make time for communication every day. Take an hour out of every day to chat about each other’s day and thoughts. It will make you feel more connected and closer to each other. A good time for this is at breakfast every morning,  chat about your dreams before you both head off to work in your different directions. It is a romantic way to communicate and share.
When it comes to bedtime, to keep your romance alive, it is essential to head to the bedroom at the same time. Agree on a time that you both feel comfortable with and stick to it. It will create a time when both of you can be intimate with each other with no distractions. Another essential thing to remember is to turn off all electronic devices before you head to the bedroom. No wonder it allows you both to make the bedroom a sacred place where only love and romance exist. 
Another step to take for all couples who are losing the romance in their life is to plan at least once a week a bath before bed. This will be an agreement between both of you, and you will need to stick to it. It does not matter how much work you have or if you have deadlines. This date once a week should not be missed. It always helps couples put things into perspective and puts the essential things in life back into first place. 
How To Recognize What is Important?
Sometimes in life, we lose track of the important things and get caught up in work and stress. Such behavior can cause marriage issues and all sorts of emotional problems. Getting stressed seems to be part of life these days for so many people. When you are part of a couple, it can bring intense pressure into the relationship. Before you know it, you are taking it out on each other, and the fighting begins. 
It is super important to remember that work is important but not as important as the person you are with. You have chosen to be with this person for a reason. It is because you love this person and enjoy their company. With this in mind, you must always respect them and respect your relationship with them. 
To do this, make sure you put things into perspective at all times. Make a point of asking your partner how their day was. Offer to give them a nice back massage once a week. Share the household chores, so one person does not feel alone in doing things. Once you start sharing these things, your romance will blossom once again.  
The Importance of Bedtime to Couples
Once you take the needed steps to bring back romance into your life, you will reap the benefits. Not only will your communication become better, but you will have more understanding for each other. It will bring a closer connection and more love. Once this happens, the bedroom will start seeing the benefits. 
A happy wife is a happy life, as they say. How true this statement is. You will realize that by agreeing to head to bed simultaneously every day and not talking about work or deadlines, your sex life will improve, and therefore your overall mood will too. By giving your partner a massage once a week and vice versa, you will be more in tune with each other and more likely to want to get it on in the bedroom. 
All good relationships have a healthy sex life. So, steps should be taken to ensure that you both understand what is important in your life. But once you reach them, you will feel better about yourself and better about your partner. Bedtimes for many couples have been lost. It was sacred at one time in a relationship, and now the bedroom is where one goes to sleep, and the other partner comes a little later to sleep.
To bring back bedtime as a couple is not difficult. Just talk to each other. Understand that if you want a healthy relationship, you need to spend time together. Once you start the process, you will love it. Work and stress will take a back seat while communication, love, romance, and sex will take the driver’s seat. Your life will feel better, and your body and mind will be strong and healthy. 
The best thing about it is that your work life will also improve. Life is always about balance. Once you find balance in both work and your personal life, you have found harmony, which is the ultimate satisfaction and will make life going forward so much more comfortable in every aspect. 
Author’s Bio:  Timothea Bradley is an ambitious blogger at In these challenging times for all of us, she wants to communicate more with people, share quality articles. She hopes to help someone and inspire people to move forward, despite all the difficulties that come along the way.
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Brent Fisher has held leadership positions spanning a wide variety of complex and start-up organizations: manufacturing (pharmaceutical & medical device), software development, hospitals (academic and community), medical groups, consulting, hospice, military, engineered devices, engineered plastics, and private equity.

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