Alaska Sleep Education Center

A Light Sleeper’s Guide to Colored Night Lights

It’s hard to dispute the importance of a healthy and regular sleep cycle when so much of our lives are dependent on those 8 hours of rest every day. But with an increasingly brisk lifestyle, the path to uninterrupted rest and relaxation has become inaccessible to most of us. With the rising prevalence of sleep disorders, the avenues for professional help and sleep treatments have also expanded.

And although it’s important to seek professional guidance from sleep experts if you’re encountering chronic problems — you don’t need to be in dire straits to make a few quick improvements to your sleep environment.

Can Color Impact Sleep?

It may seem insignificant, but something as simple as choosing the right color for your night light can have an impact on your entire sleep schedule. Waking up in the middle of the night is something you may not always be able to control. What’s worse is that the more you will yourself to hang on to those tendrils of sleep, the more they seem to slip away from you.
But certain colors do have the ability to send you back into a restful slumber if you incorporate them into your bedroom space through night lights or neon signs. Of course, individual preference plays a role as well – which is why it’s best to make an informed choice after browsing through all the available choices for bedroom lighting, from LED neon signs to plug-in night lights.
The Science Behind Red Over Blue
Research points to the superiority of the color red over blue for night lights. This is primarily because of the photosensitive cells present in our retinas that are responsible for informing the body’s internal clock.
Based on studies, these cells would interpret blue and green-hued light as a sign of daytime, nudging your body to wake up and become alert. Clearly, that would be catastrophic for your 3 AM self who, presumably, would want to go back to snoozing.

On the other hand, our circadian rhythm is least disrupted by red light. This is why a red or orange-hued night light is the best bet if you struggle with frequent wakings in the night. Even a floor lamp by your bed, affixed with warm-toned bulbs, would do the trick.
In fact, blue light has even been found to hinder melatonin secretion in your brain, which is an essential hormone that helps you feel drowsy when it’s time for bedtime. That’s one of the reasons why scientists suggest avoiding any screen time for at least an hour before you plan on sleeping.
Rock-a-bye Baby – Night Lights for Children
The same rule largely applies to infants and toddlers. Warmer colors have been found to create a more soothing sleep environment while cooler tones of greens and blues can interrupt children’s circadian rhythms as well.
In fact, the suppression of melatonin was found to be higher in children than in adults, when both were exposed to white light sources at night time. Of course, a dark room is ideal for restful sleep. But with fussy babies and timid toddlers, a night light or a hurricane lamp that can calm them down and create an environment of warmth and safety, is essential.
This is ideal if you’re a new parent who’s sleeping in the same room as your child, or are frequently woken up by a restless baby and you struggle with falling back asleep.
You Snooze – You Win!

A consistent sleep cycle can facilitate better results – whether it’s your productivity at work and your mental and emotional wellbeing as you go about your day or the rate at which your body recovers from illness or strain in the long run. In fact, even feelings of joy or any depressive tendencies can fluctuate due to an irregular sleep pattern.
In other words, sleeping well is always a win. So here are some other ways you can make your space a sleep-conducive environment, by incorporating warm-hued lighting and adding comfortable accessories to your bedroom:

Oil Diffusers: Use oil diffusers with sleep conducive scents such as lavender or vanilla, before bedtime.
Ceiling Canopies: Something as simple as a ceiling canopy goes a long way in creating an atmosphere of relaxation and luxury for your personal space. This is a great option for your child’s bedroom as well.
Guided Meditation: Follow guided meditation audio or listen to white noise sequences that let you relax.
Bedding: Invest in some comfortable bedding and high quality pillows — after all, you do spend 8 hours a day on them!
At the end of the day, the quality of sleep you get can impact your functioning in a range of areas. To improve your space today and catch up on some beauty sleep.
Sleep is essential for proper brain and body function. Do not pass on excellent sleep, no matter where you live. Alaskans, call Alaska Sleep Clinic today if nothing you have tried has led to better sleep in your life.  We are ready to help you correctly diagnose and treat any sleep issue.
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Brent Fisher, MBA, FACHE, FACMPE
President and Chief Executive Officer

“Alaska Sleep Clinic has a history of providing the most comprehensive sleep medicine services in the state of Alaska. Its potential has only begun. I am here to take these high-quality, comprehensive services to all Alaskans.”


Brent Fisher has held leadership positions spanning a wide variety of complex and start-up organizations: manufacturing (pharmaceutical & medical device), software development, hospitals (academic and community), medical groups, consulting, hospice, military, engineered devices, engineered plastics, and private equity.

Publications and Organizations

His writings have been published in various magazines, trade journals, and medical journals, including the Physician Executive Journal, Healthcare Executive, Modern Healthcare, Group Practice Journal, New England Journal of Medicine, and Journal of Healthcare Management (Best Article Award).

He has served on the Board of Directors of professional associations, civic organizations, and businesses.

Hobbies and Activities

Brent enjoys being with his family, serving in the community, hiking, camping, fishing, and hunting.