Provider Fact Sheets
Download Provider Information Packets for FREE, or contact ASC's Marketing Director @ .
Home Sleep Testing Flyer
Includes the following information:
Benefits of Home Sleep Testing
Potential Drawbacks of Home Sleep Testing
Why the ASC’s Home Testing option is the right choice for your lifestyle
Alaska Sleep Clinic's Exclusive SleepN Program
Includes the following information:
What our exclusive SleepN program can offer you
Compliance Program to help you meet your insurance requirements
How and why its a free of charge program for you.
Women and Sleep Information Flyer
Includes the following information:
How women suffer from sleep apnea
How sleep apnea can affect your childbearing years
How sleep apnea affects pregnancy
How sleep apnea affects women who are pre/post-menopausal
Men and Sleep Information Flyer
Includes the following information:
More Provider Fact Sheets:
These Provider Fact Sheets were developed by sleep medicine professionals to equip primary care providers and colleagues in other specialties with key information regarding some of the most common sleep disorders. Each fact sheet includes: Quick Facts, Why It Matters, What You Can Do, Referring Guidelines, and Patient Information Websites.
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you can download a free copy here.