Alaska Sleep Education Center

5 Tips to Manage Sleep Deprivation for Students

Staying up late to read for the exam yet you have an early morning class means that you will have only a few hours of sleep.
While this may seem “normal” for a student, shortchanging yourself on sleep could result in sleep deprivation. Consequently, you might experience severe health consequences. It turns out that many college students aren’t getting enough sleep, even now when our World has moved to 100% online school for all ages and education levels.
In fact, many times, working and schooling from home can lead to a breakdown of a schedule and no improvement of the quality or quantity of sleep. That is why the loss of memory, impaired motor skills, and learning issues are a norm in institutions of higher learning. Use these tips to alleviate sleep deprivation.
1.     Face the Day Gently
Despite feeling groggy, allow the sunrise to mark a new day. Let it mark a new beginning, where you can make healthy choices and set yourself up for a great night’s sleep. After a night of poor sleep, you might be tempted to treat yourself to a big, calorie-filled snack to satisfy your craving.
That is a temporary solution to pick you up, but you’ll end up with a calorie overload and messed-up nerves. Instead, treat yourself to a healthy breakfast like black coffee or a salad. Also, avoid rushing and multitasking in a bid to get early to your next activity. Always start the day as peacefully as possible.
2.     Take Proper Naps
Do you know that there is an appropriate way to nap? While it sounds counter-intuitive, braindaytime naps can help you sleep better at night when done the right way. When taking a nap, do so before 4 p.m. to avoid extending into the night. Also, don’t make it more than 30 minutes. Otherwise, you will experience that groggy feeling you have when awakened abruptly during your sleep cycle.
Research shows that taking daytime naps can increase alertness, motor skills, and accuracy, boost creativity, and aid in weight loss.
3.     Get Help
Student life can be overwhelming at times. When signing up for college, nobody expects to be burning the midnight oil in a bid to complete countless projects. Since you are an adult, people might expect you to figure out this new thing on your own, but you don’t have to. When things get tough, don’t shy away from asking friends for both academic and non-academic assistance.
Remember that classmate who always passes the tests? Ask them for help. You can also source Online Class Help for tutorials and help with projects. All you need for online class help is to sign up and fill in your details. Then you can search for an expert in your field for guidance.
4.     Hydration Is Key
You can’t overemphasize the importance of staying hydrated. When you are missing sleep, there is a possibility that you are dehydrated. When sleep-deprived, your insulin response is impaired.  Thus, your bloodstream has to flush out all the sugar from your blood through urine.
Therefore, you need a lot of water for that. You are likely to feel much more tired if you are not only sleep deprived, but also dehydrated.  Also, the body uses water faster during your waking hours. More waking hours require more water to function optimally.
5.     Have an Even Schedule
You can eliminate most of the jet lag symptoms that accompany sleep deprivation by keeping an even schedule. A consistent routine that lacks enough sleep is better than none. Your brain will be pleased to know what it expects rather than having a routine with wild swings.
The ability to handle sleep deprivation is a skill that everyone requires. Careful management of the symptoms that sleep deprivation produces can reduce many of its terrible symptoms and keep you productive.
After a sleepless night, you likely feel sluggish the next morning, and a small new study suggests why: Your brain cells feel sluggish, too. And when those brain cells are tired, you may be more likely to be forgetful and get distracted more easily.
If you are consistently not getting the sleep you need, you may have a sleep disorder.  Don’t put of getting the correct diagnosis and treatment.  Alaska Sleep Clinic has been offering our patients TELEMEDICINE for years; so you don’t have to put your sleep health aside during this time of social distancing.  Call ASC today
@ 907-770-9104
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Brent Fisher, MBA, FACHE, FACMPE
President and Chief Executive Officer

“Alaska Sleep Clinic has a history of providing the most comprehensive sleep medicine services in the state of Alaska. Its potential has only begun. I am here to take these high-quality, comprehensive services to all Alaskans.”


Brent Fisher has held leadership positions spanning a wide variety of complex and start-up organizations: manufacturing (pharmaceutical & medical device), software development, hospitals (academic and community), medical groups, consulting, hospice, military, engineered devices, engineered plastics, and private equity.

Publications and Organizations

His writings have been published in various magazines, trade journals, and medical journals, including the Physician Executive Journal, Healthcare Executive, Modern Healthcare, Group Practice Journal, New England Journal of Medicine, and Journal of Healthcare Management (Best Article Award).

He has served on the Board of Directors of professional associations, civic organizations, and businesses.

Hobbies and Activities

Brent enjoys being with his family, serving in the community, hiking, camping, fishing, and hunting.