Your liver is an extremely important organ, sometimes known as your body’s ‘factory’ as it performs over 500 functions, including detoxifying harmful substances, breaking down fat, storing glycogen, and metabolizing hormones. It’s extremely important to try and nurture this organ, especially if you want to look after your sleep patterns! Serious liver problems such as cirrhosis and fatty liver disease are often linked to disrupted sleep and insomnia, but even minor upsets can bring about a noticeable change to your sleep pattern,
The health of the liver should not be ignored as it plays an important function in the body. However, we can help our liver by not taking toxic substances like alcohol, vaping dr. frost e-liquids, and fats. The usage of these substances can lead to permanent damage to the liver.
Risk of Liver Disease
Many factors can adversely affect liver function. Accordingly, several groups of people are at risk of liver disease:
1. Treatment with Toxic Drugs
People who carry out the treatment with drugs that are toxic to the liver or take several drugs simultaneously damage the liver. The most toxic to the liver are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, antibiotics, and antifungal drugs. Such drugs increase the risk of side effects and lead to disruption of their normal functioning.
The simultaneous administration of several drugs is fraught with an increased risk of complications: a decrease in the drugs’ effectiveness, and the risk of developing liver diseases.
2. People over Age 55
People over 55 and women in menopause are at higher risk of liver problems. Age itself slows down many physiological processes in the body; the volume of the liver decreases. The total number of active hepatocytes decreases; besides, a decrease in female sex hormones’ levels affects metabolism. Therefore, over the years, many diseases accumulate that can adversely affect the liver.
3. Abuse of Alcoholic Beverages
These people often suffer from intoxication caused by ethanol itself and acetaldehyde. However, they experience the so-called hangover syndrome.
The longer the liver is engaged in eliminating toxic substances, the stronger and longer the hangover will be. The consequence of chronic alcohol abuse can be inflammation of the liver cells with subsequent destruction (fibrosis, cirrhosis).
4. Eating Fatty and Sweet Food
It is a problem for the lovers of tasty and plentiful food. Especially for those who crave fatty, sweet, and fast food. Surrogate or low-quality food is especially harmful to the liver, as it threatens organ cells’ fatty degeneration. This disease is based on metabolic disorders in hepatocytes.
The disease begins with the accumulation of fat in the liver cells. This leads to a malfunction in their normal functioning, an excessive accumulation of free radicals in the liver, and inflammation. As a result of the disease’s development, the cells of the gland begin to die off (tissue necrosis), and the liver ceases to function normally.
Food intoxication arising from the use of poor-quality food products or chemical preservatives also has a very negative effect on the liver.
5. Water as an Essential Ingredient
Water is an essential ingredient that keeps the functioning of the body. Similarly, for the proper working of the liver, water is important. It helps in the toxin removal process—people who do not take enough amount of water damage the liver’s health.
How to Cure Your Liver
Hepatoprotectors are drugs that restore liver function. They may include such active substances as essential phospholipids, glycyrrhizic acid, ursodeoxycholic acid, ademetionine, milk thistle extract, and thioctic acid. How it helps to cure the liver:
They help protect the liver when taking medications, support its function with long-term use of hormonal drugs and antihypertensive drugs.
They help fight age-related changes in the liver, activate metabolic processes, and normalize liver enzymes levels.
Help to prevent the progression of liver diseases, helping it cope with the load.
Promote the elimination of toxins; help the liver cope with active metabolites of alcohol, provide a faster improvement in well-being and protection of the liver quickly.
It is important to cure the liver, or the disease might spread. Many patients with liver disease complain about laziness and tiredness. This is because the liver problem causes fatigue, which leads to the slow functioning of the brain.
Final Words
Note that the health of the liver is important for the proper functioning of the body. Therefore, avoid the things that lead to its damage. There are contraindications in the usage of medicine; therefore, you should always consult a doctor.
The liver has its own clock, and injury to the liver may mess with the clock. Also, the liver helps to regulate hormones, all vital to the body’s sleep-wake cycle. Further, patients with advanced liver disease may suffer from obstructive sleep apnea, which may interfere with sleep quality and quantity.
Talk to your primary care physician soon about your liver issues and sleep problems possibly caused by your poor liver function. Alaska Sleep Clinic is your home for sleep care in Alaska. Call us today.