The Moms Everyday Show
"Moms Everyday" is a local TV segment hosting Alaska Sleep Clinic each month to discuss sleep health topics relevant to Alaska families.
Watch the segments below:
Thank You Alaska for Voting Us Best Sleep Clinic in the State!
Do You Need a Sleep Study?
Do you need a sleep study? If your answer is yes, why should you choose Alaska Sleep Clinic?
Common Sleep Issues for Alaskans
Alaska Sleep Clinic is honored to have Dr. Heather Jones from the Capstone Clinic, Eagle River, on Moms Everyday with us to talk about common sleep issues for Alaskans.
Sleep Issues and Disorders in Women
Did you know women are underdiagnosed when it comes to sleep disorders? If you have OSA and are not treated, it can lead to major health problems. Dr. Leeanne Mercier from All About You Women’s Health joins ASC’s Jennifer Hines this month to talk about how women can improve their sleep and overall health. at Alaska Sleep Clinic